I walked into Lifetime Fitness today after a 7 month hiatus. I had no plan for what I was going to do there, had no real time-frame in mind, wasn't even all that sure that I would actually get there, but I did. While on the treadmill I asked the question often reserved for the seder table.... 'why is this day different then all the other days? How is it that I ended up on the treadmill THIS morning? It has everything to do with the first day of Elul, and Teshuva. It is difficult to engage in reflection when not Fully Present--in mind and body--to my life. Although most of the time when I want to be fully present, I practice yoga, today, I must have intuitively known that I needed to enter into the process of reflection and presence slowly and with ease.
While on my walk to nowhere I listened to Neshama Carlbach's Return Again. It is a melody that we sing at our congregation's High Holy Day Worship services and durning the month of Elul. The words are:
Return Again, Return Again, Return to the Land of your Soul. Return to who you are, return to what you are, return to where you are born and reborn again..
I wondered... is it possible to re-turn to who we are if we have never actualized our truest-self? Re-Turning assumes that we have at some point been so aware of the light and potential of our soul that we were able to embody such grace and divinity. Returning to our soul infers that we once did live fully connected to the Source, ourselves and others.... There are other interpretations of Return Again for sure, but this is what I am thinking about today. I wonder how many of us feel we live up to our soul-potential? I know I don't. Turning and returning to the one I am meant to be is an awesome task for a lifetime of work. Grateful to be on the Journey towards the Light one day at at a time.
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